Despite a devastating genocide in 1994 that killed thousands of people and displaced many more, Rwanda has been on a steady track of social and economic development. In 2010, the country was named the...
The idea to start the Red Cross movement was born in 1859, after a bloody battle of Austrian against French-Sardinian troops at Solferino (Italy) witnessed by a young Swiss man, Henry Dunant. Approxim...
CARE Rwanda – advancing Gender Justice for women and girls through community partnerships. By 2025, CARE Rwanda will directly support 1,500,000 women and girls (10-59) in Rwanda to graduate out of po...
Caritas Rwanda was established in 1960 by the bishops from two Catholic dioceses in Rwanda at that time. Caritas Rwanda was officially authorised as a non-profit organisation in 1962. Over the years, ...
Norwegian People’s Aid is a politically independent membership-based organisation working in Norway and in more than 30 countries around the world. Founded in 1939 as the labour movement's humanitaria...
At World Relief our mission is to empower the local church to serve the most vulnerable. Working with the local church is not only a good strategy, it’s at the very heart of our work. We believe that ...
The International Rescue Committee responds to the world’s worst humanitarian crises and helps people whose lives and livelihoods are shattered by conflict and disaster to survive, recover and gain co...